A Day Out
Today Bryna, Ana, Jimmy and I went out for some fresh air, and of course some shopping. When we were shopping, we found a costume that Ana wanted. The costume is Anna from Frozen, so Ana dressed up like Anna. After shopping we went to the lake to run around and played with Ana in a field of flowers.

Going to the Lake
After shopping Ana dressed up and we all went to the lake to run around. Ana and Jimmy took off running to the lake. We had been to the lake before when it was frozen. Ana said that Elisa (from Frozen) froze the lake. This time Ana said that Anna unfroze the lake.

Running in a Field of Flowers
We played what Ana calls monster, where she will chase me, or daddy monster where I have to chase her. This is one of Ana’s favorite game along with hide and seek. After playing monster Bryna saw a yellow field of flowers. With Ana all dressed in her costume we thought it would take a good photo. Ana of course loved to play in the flowers, if she had a chance, she would have picked every flower in the field.

Overall, Ana had a great day dressing up like Anna, running around, and especially playing in the flowers. If you want to see more of Ana in a field of flowers, click the video link below.