Ana is Always Happy
As a baby Ana was happy, it was easy to make her laugh and giggle. As she grew up this hasn’t changed. Now that she is 3 1/2 years old, she definitely has a mind of her own, but it is still easy to make her laugh. Ana is always happy; she wakes up and give hugs and more hugs before sleeping. Kisses and Ana hugs are always welcome.

Ana as a Baby
When Ana was a baby all I had to say is tickle tickle and she would start to laugh, this still works today. But now even watching tv or cartoons makes Ana laugh, which in turn makes me laugh at how happy she is.

Ana Happy Today
Today Ana not only laughs a lot, but she also makes up laugh a lot also. She says things that we had no idea she knew about. She went down in the basement with me yesterday and the first thing she said is “wow what a beautiful room”. Now it is just a basement and it needed to be cleaned, but when I looked around, I saw what she was seeing. Bryna has a full-size mirror and that is what Ana saw. So, to her having a big mirror in a room is beautiful. I love the way she thinks.

A new wardrobe for Bryna came yesterday for her birthday next week. When Ana heard it was mama’s birthday, we had to bake a cake. I tried to explain Bryna’s birthday was next week, she only wants a birthday cake today. So, Ana and I baked a cake and frosted it. Ana said cake is not done, needs sprinkles. Sprinkles it is, then we were done, well not quite of course, Ana still said cake not ready, needs candles. So, I found a couple of birthday candles, then Ana finally said yes cake is now ready. She is so smart, and when she said no the cake is not ready it made me laugh at how clever she is.
I went back and found some picture of Ana as she grew up, she is such a sweet happy girl. I hope you like the picture.