Jimmy is Lost
We found an empty field and a frozen lake, so we had to go out and play. Jimmy was having fun running in the snow. Before we knew it Jimmy was out of site, Ana lost Jimmy!

Where is Jimmy
We went out to pick up some groceries, and after shopping we found an empty field with a frozen lake. The snow was fresh with no other footprints in the snow. We decided to let Ana and Jimmy play in the snow. Jimmy love to play in the snow, but also run around. Ana was busy looking at her footprints in the snow and didn’t see Jimmy run behind the tree near the lake.
Jimmy doesn’t like the water so we knew he would not go in. However, if a squirrel ran out onto the ice, Jimmy may give chase. I didn’t know how thick the ice was, it has been below zero for most of the week.

Ana was Worried
When Ana could not find Jimmy she started to get worried. She was calling for Jimmy to come to us. Ana found Jimmy’s pawprints in the snow heading to the lake and started to follow them. It took a couple of minutes to see Jimmy, he was in the brush next to the lake. A tree was blocking Ana’s view, but Jimmy was there. When Jimmy looked up and saw Ana, he ran right to her. Ana was so happy that she found Jimmy.

Jimmy didn’t stay long, and he decided to run around some more. Ana was happy and tried to keep up with Jimmy, that didn’t work so well. Ana can run fast but Jimmy is much faster. Overall, everyone had a good time playing in the snow, finding Jimmy, and running around. Even before Ana lost Jimmy, she was amazed by her footprints in the snow. If you want to see more of Ana please click the video below.