Ana Loves to Play in the Mud Puddles
It was another cold raining day in New York. Ana looked outside and saw the geese, ducks and seagulls. Ana asked us to go out and chase the birds. With the rain there was a lot of puddles in the road and of course Ana had to jump in everyone. Each time she jumped she said mud puddles. When I asked Ana what she was doing she said Ana loves to play in the mud puddles.

Raining Outside
Bryna didn’t want to stay outside because it was cold and raining but Ana had other ideas. She grabbed my hand and crossed the road, then headed off to the birds. However, when we got close, they all flew away. She would have chased them all over the field if we let her. Jimmy was with us and he also wanted to run free and also chase the birds.

It didn’t take long until all of the birds close to us were gone. Even then Ana wanted to stay out and chase more birds. It took me a minute or two to convince her that it was time to go back to Bryna.

Mud Puddles
Every puddle Ana found she had to jump in. She even wanted me to jump in the puddles. Lucky for me it wasn’t really a mud puddle just a rain puddle. Overall, Ana had fun running around in the rain even when it was a little cold outside. If you want to see more of Ana loves to play in the mud puddles, click the video below.