Ana’s Gifts from Grandma
Ana’s Grandma (my mother) has been saving a couple of toys for many years. Many of the gifts were from my childhood or Grandma’s childhood. Here are Ana’s gifts from Grandma.

Opening the Box
Every time a box shows up Ana gets excited. She knows that someone is getting something cool. Of course, this is not always the case, some of the boxes are just household products. But this box did have presents for everyone, especially Ana.

What was in the Box
Grandma sent Ana a couple of books. One of the books was mine when I was Ana’s age. The book came from my Grandma and was printed with my name in the book. Bryna received a new bracelet, and RB received a couple of real arrowheads and a piece of the Berlin Wall.

Ana had the most presents, she received my Winnie the Poo which must be around 50 years old now. My poor bear is missing the red shirt but did have a new t-shirt that fits him. Ana also received a teddy bear that was my Mom’s, it looks new and is over 70 years old now. We had to put them up so Jimmy would not get the idea that they were his toys. Ana asks to play with them and when Jimmy knows they are not his everything will be good.

In a separate package I received an apron for cooking, Ana also received one and she can’t wait to bake something with me. Overall, Ana was thrilled with all of the gifts, even today she is holding on to the little lamb and asked me to read her a story from the book. If you want to see more of Ana’s gifts from Grandma, click on the video below.