Ana’s New Doll

Picture of Chris


Ana's New Doll

Ana’s New Doll 

Ana has had several dolls, but most of them have been cheap and not very good quality. Almost all of Ana’s dolls before were babies, not her age, she was happy playing with them, but we wanted Ana to have a doll more her age. A couple of days ago Ana saw a doll on Amazon and picked out a name Elle for Ana’s new doll.

Ana's New Doll

Package Arrived 

After breakfast Ana was so sad, she could hardly wait for her new doll Elle. You can see her excitement when the first box is opened, unfortunately, it was the wrong box. When Bryna opened the right box, Ana had a new best friend. 

Ana's New Doll

Along with the doll Bryna picked up several outfits for Elle. Ana had to try all the dresses, shoes, hats, and pajamas on right away. Ana was so cute, she had a name for the dresses like happy dress, which is a relaxing indoor dress, car ride dress which is for dressing up when you go out. The easy one was the pajamas which according to Ana is nighttime dress.  

Ana's New Doll

One of the car ride dresses came with a sun hat. When Ana saw Elle dressed up with the sun hat, she told us she hopes we get money to buy a new house. This was Ana’s way of asking if we had money to buy her something, she wanted a hat to wear just like Elle.  

Ana's New Doll

Bed Time

When it was time for bed Elle had to change into her pajamas, and first thing in the morning Elle needed to change to a happy dress. Overall, Ana was and still is happy to play with Elle; she is her best friend. If you want to see more of Ana’s new doll click the link below. 

Ana's Happy
Dolls sun hat
Ana's Doll
Ana's doll