Ana’s Toy Camera
Today I pulled the memory card to find the photos from Ana’s toy camera. There are over 500 photos that she took and around 35 videos. I looked through and pulled out some of the better photos. Some of them were just pictures of the floor, wall or just Ana’s elbow. This is a cheap toddler’s camera, but I am surprised at how many pictures she can store on the memory card. There was still room from hundreds more pictures.

The Camera
The camera is simple, just point and shoot, no focus. There is a screen, and a selfie camera. It is supposed to shoot at 1080p. Most of the camera I found did not have the selfie camera, which is the way Ana takes most of her photos.
The camera also had built in overlays. When using this you can add rabbit ears, or a silly hat over your photo. I did not know you could do this, but Ana did. The one downside of the toy camera is taking a photo with poor lighting. Of course, this is a cheap children’s toy, and the photos come out poorly in with bad lighting.

The Good Photos
Although there were many photos that were taken with bad lighting, there were also a handful that came out ok. But the main reason for Ana’s toy camera was for her to run around and have fun. Even today when I pulled out the memory card, Ana wanted to take more photos.
As you can see, Ana also took some pictures of Jimmy, and one of her toys. But Ana took mostly selfies of herself. I do wish some of the photos taken with bad light came out, she was so cute. Either way I hope you like the photos Ana did take that came out ok.
I can’t wait to see what photos Ana takes next. Ana’s toy camera is charged, and the memory card is ready for more selfies with Ana.