Bryna Ready for Covid Vaccine
When the vaccine was first announced Bryna said she wanted to wait. She wanted to see any side-effects and if the vaccine actually worked. After weeks of data Bryna is finally Ready for the Covid Vaccine.

Bryna was Worried About Covid Vaccine
Before I received my Covid vaccine Bryna was already worried. She worries about what the side effects might be, and told me to cancel my appointment it wasn’t worth it. Looking at what could happen if you get Covid getting the vaccine is a better choice. Most people do not have any side effects after the first does, and only mild after the second does.
I went ahead and received my vaccination, and had mild side-effects after both does, the second does was slightly more compared to the first but manageable. Of course, Bryna was still worried, even after I was up running around. I told her what made me better and kept me safe was Nos. Nos is similar to Cobra in the Philippines. Oh and Nos if you read this you can send me a case of Nos, thanks in advance.

Bryna Changed her Mind
It took Bryna another week to finally believe that the vaccine is safe. Now the problem we have is finding a place to get vaccinated. Every place we looked at doesn’t have any appointment available. There is a shortage of vaccine available, the only place we could find only accepted appointments for second dose or you have to be over 65.

Bryna is Ready for Covid Vaccine
Now that Bryna is ready to get vaccinated we will have to search every day for an appointment. We called her Dr. but in New York you don’t need a doctor’s prescriptions. The vaccine is free or no cost with insurance. Another vaccine from Johnson & Johnson (J&J) has been approved, and it is only one dose. Pfizer, the vaccine I received is looking at the possibility of a booster because of aggressive new variants. The J&J vaccine already performs well against the variants.
Right now, most people do not have a choice on which vaccine they receive, they are all good and Bryna will take whatever one is available, of course she wants the single dose for J&J. If you want to watch more of Bryna is ready for Covid vaccine, please click the video below.