COVID-19 Vaccine Second Dose – Day 3

Picture of Chris



COVID-19 Vaccine Day Three

Compared to the COVID-19 vaccine second dose day two I was feeling much better. The dizziness was gone, and no problems breathing. The second day I was worried about the breathing problems I had, but the salt steam helped. I did sleep good again. COVID-19 vaccine day three started off good but ended up with me back in bed. 


COVID-19 Vaccine Day Three – The Morning

When I woke up, I was feeling ok. I asked Bryna what she wanted for breakfast. Of course, she didn’t want me to do any cooking, so she said just oatmeal. The oatmeal we have is quick only takes about five minutes. Ana and I went downstairs to get breakfast ready, Ana had an egg, Bryna and I had coffee and oatmeal. 


After breakfast I decided to start writing about the COVID-19 vaccine second dose. I finished the first blog about day 1 of the vaccine. Shortly after tiredness set in so I told Bryna I was going to lay down and take a nap. The nap lasted most of the day, I was weak and very tired. At least I didn’t have any dizziness or problems breathing. 


The Afternoon

I ended up in bed all day, only getting up to drink water or a snack. Bryna was worried again, I told her it was to be expected. Again Bryna said she would not get the vaccine. Bryna tends to overreact, she was reading about a couple of individuals who died after receiving the vaccine. I told her more people die because they did not get the vaccine, and even the flu vaccine people die. But the number of people who get severely sick or die after receiving the vaccine is very low number. 

Most people only have mild symptoms after the vaccine, and since my immune system is compromised because of medication, my reactions to the vaccine are not typical. Most people do not have any reaction to the first does, and only mild on the second does. For me the first does was mild, and the second does had only slightly more problems. 

Ana Having Fun

The Evening

Bryna decided to make my one of my favorites, beef sinigang. Or what I call it is “sini gone in my belly”.  Bryna used a lot of green vegetable so I could eat healthy. I ended up eating everything Bryna gave me and asking for more. In the evening other than being tired I was feeling fine. When Ana heard that I was sick back in bed, all she would say is I am sick too. Poor Ana like to copy what I say, she was running around playing. Ana kept saying I am sick, she is such a good girl, she was so worried about her daddy. And since daddy was sick, she must be sick too. 

Bryna cooking

Weakness can be one of the mild side-effects from the vaccine. Overall, the symptoms I have over the last three days have all been mild. If you had a cold, or mild case of the flu, that would be worse than the COVID-19 vaccine second dose. 


A couple of years ago I had pneumonia, ended up in the hospital for a night, and had problems breathing.  This was nothing like that, the breathing problems I had after the vaccine was mild. I would recommend the COVID-19 vaccine second dose when you get a chance to take it. If you would like to see more, please watch the video below.  The COVID-19 vaccine day three started off good, but ended with me weak.
