Is Jimmy a Good or Bad Dog?
So, the big question is Jimmy always a good dog, or has he been bad. Jimmy has been in several of our videos, ether playing or just laying down in the background. Jimmy being cute was not always the case. We have a couple of photos for proof, but this is not the only pair of shoes Jimmy destroyed. 4 years ago, on my birthday Bryna gave me a new pair of shoes. Before I had a chance to wear them Jimmy found one and torn it apart. My poor pair of Nikes never made it. Another time Jimmy wanted to make a phone call (I guess that what he was thinking). Jimmy found Bryna’s’ iPhone and since his paw print did not open the phone, he decided to eat it. He broke the screen, and the camera. This wasn’t the first time Jimmy tried to make a phone call, he also ate RB’s iPhone the day we were moving from Missouri to New York.
Jimmy the Puppy.
When Jimmy was younger, he ended up eating two phone, a couple of charging cables, and several pairs of shoes. But he also made us laugh at times. When Jimmy was a puppy, we would open the sliding door and let him out to the fenced in backyard. Well one day it was raining, and Jimmy had to go out, so we opened the door. Jimmy does not like the rain (or a bath) so when I looked back Jimmy had his front two paws outside but most of his body was still inside. And of course, he was doing his business half in and half out of the house. He tried so hard, all could do is clean up the mess and laugh at him.
Jimmy is a Good Boy!
So, to answer the question if Jimmy is always good, well no. But over the last couple of year, he has been mostly a good loving dog. When he was a puppy, he did like to eat everything he found but luckily, he quickly outgrew this quickly.

Aww my poor shoes didn’t stand a chance with Jimmy the puppy around.