One, Two, Three Jump
Another nice day in New York, and it was time to take Jimmy out for a walk. Once Jimmy and I were ready Ana decided it was time to run around outside also. Once outside Ana started to run up and down the sidewalk jumping the whole way. The whole time Ana said one, two, three jump.

Taking Jimmy Out for a Walk
After breakfast everyday it’s time to take Jimmy out for a walk. The last couple of day as soon as I called Jimmy for his walk Ana comes running over with her shoes in hand. Ana would not take no for an answer, she was going out with us.

The grass was wet with dew, so Ana wanted to stay on the sidewalk instead of running in the grass. Ana started running and jumping a couple of seconds later she was saying one, two, three, and Jump. Jimmy is used to running on the grass, he was pulling me one way, and Ana was running down the sidewalk.

After Jimmy was Done
I ended up putting Jimmy back in the house so I could run along with Ana. We ended up running and jumping up and down the sidewalk for around an hour. When we were next to our house, she was not tired instead when we were way down the road Ana stopped running and I ended up carrying her back home.

I you want to see more of Ana paying outside, running and one, two three, jump, click on the video below. Also check out Ana riding he bike, links below.