Rock Version Five Little Monkey
One thing with toddlers is they pick up and repeat everything. This includes thing people say, or songs they hear. Ana’s rock version of Five Little Monkey is partly my fault. Since Ana loves all sorts of music on YouTube, but most of the toddler songs are her favorite.

How the Rock Version Started
Ana would be jumping in bed singing Five Little Moneys and fall down every time she sang “and one falls down”. I would play the Dr. and sing “No more Ana’s Jumping on the bed”. But when I sang my part it was a rock version. At the time I had no idea Ana would pick up my way of singing that part.

Ana the Blogger
Another thing Ana has picked up on is blogging. She is now recording a blog from start to finish without us knowing. This time is started off by saying Hello, and then Ana decided to sing Five Little Monkeys. To our surprise on the Dr’s part, she copied me with her version of rock.

Ana surprises us all the time with what she does and speaks. It is so amazing watching her grow, and I hope you all enjoy it too. If you want to see more of Ana’s Five Little Monkeys Rock Version, please click on the video link below. Both of the videos where shot by Ana, she is getting better at blogging.