Snowy Backyard Fun
With the new snow fall it was time to head back outside and play. This year we had a lot of snow but so, far but most of the time the snow wasn’t right to make a snowman. I hope the next time it snows we can build a snowman with Ana. Since everyone was outside, we needed to dance. Of course, with snowy backyard fun Ana has was more than ready to dance.

Time to Dance
Before we could dance there was one thing, I had to do first. Bryna needs a snowball or two. Of course, Bryna didn’t like it, but I know she had fun. As for Ana, it is easy to get her too dance. You don’t even need music, just say Ana let’s dance, she will immediately go into dance mode. Today was no exception, I just asked Ana if she wanted to do the snow dance. Her answer was yes, and we both started to dance in the snow. We made up some words to the Ana pie snow dance song, and she sang along with me.

Silly Bryna and Ana!
Bryna was silly, she said last week we had 4 to 5 feet of snow (1.2 to 1.5m of snow, that would be over her head). We only had around 10 inches or 25 cm of snow, big difference. I had to tease her about it, that much snow would have been bad in New York.
When we crossed the road into the soccer fields Ana saw the geese. She wanted to go run after the geese (she thinks they are ducks, like Donald and Daisy duck). The geese were too far away to chase so we decided to head back inside and warm up. It is fun watching Ana play, run around, and especially watching her dance and sing. If you want to see more of the snowy backyard fun click the video below.