Ana’s Birthday Surprise
On Ana’s third birthday we wanted to get her something big, along with a couple of smaller presents. Bryna found a 4 foot (1.2 M) high Cenedella’s castle. Hiding a box this big was difficult, Ana knew something was going on just not what it was. Ana’s birthday surprise was a lot of work to put together but well worth it.
Ana’s Birthday
I got up early cooked breakfast and started a turkey for Ana’s birthday. Ana could not wait she knew something was going on but had no idea what it was. Before the turkey was done, we showed Ana the big birthday present, and she could hardly wait. But first, Ana had to dress up, and she opened one of the small presents first.

The first small present was three sets of Minnie Mouse ears, she was excited but could not take her eyes of the big box. Ana changed to a fancy dress, again the whole time she was staring at the big box on the floor.

Cinderella’s Castle
When it was finally time to open the big box, Ana did not know what to do. I started to tear off a small piece of the wrapping paper. Ana grabbed the paper and looked at me to make sure it was ok to rip it open. It took her a minute to realize that she was supposed to take the wrapping paper off of the box. I can tell you a couple of months later for Christmas Ana had no problems ripping the wrapping paper off the presents.

Cinderella’s castle had a lot of small pieces to assemble. Before I was finished the turkey was ready, so I had to take a dinner break. Overall, building the castle was easy just took some time. Ana tried to help every step of the way and was setting up some of the rooms before it was finished. Even today Ana still plays with the castle, and watches Cinderella all of the time.

After the castle was finished Ana spent hours playing, until she finally fell asleep on the floor next to her castle. For Bryna and I it was a long working day, but Ana she had a blast. If you want to see more of Ana’s birthday surprise, click on the video link below.