COVID-19 Vaccine Second Dose – 2nd Day After Vacation!
After receiving COVID-19 vaccine second dose yesterday, I wasn’t feeling good. The first day I had a little light headedness and some trouble breathing. Over the night I was ok, but in the morning when I stood up the dizziness returned. After receiving the COVID-19 vaccine second dose day two was similar to the first day, more dizziness, and problems breathing.

Ana in the Morning
My sweet Ana was so worried about daddy. She kept saying daddy’s sick and daddy rest, close your eyes daddy and rest. Of course, she gave me a big hug and kiss to make me feel better. Bryna and Ana went down to cook breakfast, well Bryna cooked, and Ana played. When they were gone, I fell back asleep. Ana woke me up to eat, she wanted to make sure I got the breakfast so I could get better soon.
Bryna along with Ana looked after me all day. I did get up and walk downstairs a couple times. I just took my time, my head was still feeling dizzy, nothing too bad.

COVID-19 Vaccine Second Dose – Afternoon
I stayed in bed for the day, drank a lot of water, watched TV and took a nap or two. I did notice my arm was sore where I revived the injection. This was to be expected, the pain didn’t bother me, it was only minor.

COVID-19 Vaccine Second Dose – Evening
Ana was jumping on the bed, so in the evening Bryna and Ana went to relax in RB’s room. A couple of hours later my breathing was off. I called Bryna and asked her for another steam Himalayan salt mixed with sea salt. The steam helped me breath good, and sleep after the first time, so I decided to try it again. After 30 minutes of the salt steam, I could breathe easy again. I am not sure if it would get worse without the steam but with it, I definitely got better fast.

I would recommend the steam Himalayan salt mixed with sea salt for anyone who had trouble breathing. I have been told this will also help with a person who has COVID with breathing problems. Of course, seek medical attention if things get worse.

Overall, the COVID-19 vaccine second dose day 2 wasn’t too bad, more of a mild effect. Bryna is still worried about getting the vaccine, but from my experience the side effects are mild. I would recommend getting the COVID-19 vaccine when you can get it. I don’t think it matters who make the vaccine so get whatever one comes available to you. To see more check out the video below.