COVID-19 Vaccine Second Dose
This week I received the COVID-19 vaccine second dose from Pfizer. The VA hospital was busy but, I was in at my appointment time. Like any other vaccines it was quick and didn’t hurt. I asked if I could take video or at least take pictures, but being a government facility, no photos allowed. I was planning on having a good vaccine photo, sorry that didn’t happen.
After the first vaccine I was dizzy and didn’t feel right for about a day. This time I tried to be more prepared. The second vaccine is known to have more side effects. I had medication for headaches and body pain. Gatorade to keep hydrated along with easy snack foods.

Day of the Vaccination
Bryna, Ana, and I got up early to go to the VA hospital. The VA hospital is close only 6 miles away, but we have to cross the Verrazzano Bridge. The bridge is the easiest way to get into Brooklyn, or parts of Manhattan. This bridge can be very busy at time it could take one hour to cross. We got to the VA relatively fast, and I was early for my appointment.

My appointment was set for 8:45 AM and by 9:00 AM after a 15 wait I was out the door. When I got back to the car Ana was crying, Bryna told her I was getting a cookie. Ana is smart and didn’t forget, so we went to find a cookie in the store which is right next to the VA hospital. I picked up some breakfast for all of us and a cookie for Ana. Ana was so happy with the cookie. After Breakfast we went home.

Home After COVID-19 Vaccine Second Dose
About 2 hours after getting the vaccination I started to feel a little lightheaded, similar to the first dose. I went to lay down and rest for the day. Bryna was looking after me and Ana was so worried that daddy was sick. Bryna made dinner which included one of my favorites, shrimp, I could eat shrimp everyday. For a health snack Bryna made boiled peanuts for me. Luckily the only allergy I have is seasonal.

Later in the evening, my chest was a getting tight. It wasn’t bad, but a little tight. Bryna made a steam Himalayan salt mixed with sea salt. After 30 minutes of steam inhalation, other than being hot I was breathing normal again.
Overall, the first day after the Covie-19 vaccine second does went smoothly. I was expecting more worse. The light headiness and the breathing weren’t bad, just worse than the first dose. To see more check out the video below.