Sidewalk Art
Yesterday Ana and I stopped in at Walgreens (a pharmacy) to see if they had any toys Ana may like. Walgreens does not have a large selection of toys, only one shelf with most of them being a coloring book or puzzles. After taking a couple of minutes Ana found a Minnie Mouse chalk set. Ana had no idea what it was she only knows that it was Minnie Mouse. The next day is was good weather and no rain, so it was time for Ana’s sidewalk art.

Time to Draw on the Sidewalk
This is the first time Ana played with chalk, but it only took a couple of seconds before she was grabbing a piece of chalk and drawing. The set came with a couple of stencils, but since the sidewalk was rough, they did not come out well.
Being Minnie Mouse set the cost was higher than it should have been. The dollar store had a similar set for only $1, but only comes with 3 sticks of chalk compared to 6. I could have purchased two of them for the same amount of chalk and saved $5. It as still worth the extra cost simply because of how much Ana enjoyed drawing on the sidewalk.

Overall, Ana had fun being creative and even went out the next day to draw some more. She also drew a couple of pictures on the picnic table, if you want to see more of Ana’s sidewalk art click on the link below.